What is Love Handle Liposuction?
The bulges of stubborn fat on our back and sides, also known as love handles, seem to become more prominent with age and less responsive to our exercise routines or diets. Luckily, there’s a cosmetic procedure that can help you.
Our love handle liposuction in Sydney is a very popular procedure, as it offers the quick removal of areas of unwanted fat, with proven and effective results. So contact us today at the clinic to find out how we can permanently remove those stubborn fat cells and create a body shape you can feel comfortable and confident in.
Love handle lipo here in Sydney, is a minimally-invasive, fat-removal treatment that targets unwanted fatty areas. The procedure is performed using tiny incisions and small cannulas (thin tubes) to remove fat from targeted areas. The incisions are placed in the natural folds of the body, which results in barely any visible scarring.
Love handles are an area of the body that are often less responsive to exercise or dieting, which is why many men and women choose to have liposuction. The procedure is very quick and the recovery is extremely short, which is why it’s a very popular choice.
The main benefits of love handle surgery
The tumescent liposuction method used to reduce love handles at Lumière Cosmetic Clinic is a safe and effective procedure that only requires the use of local anaesthesia. This means that you can avoid the use of a general anaesthetic, which ensures minimal downtime after treatment.

Love handles surgery involves a small cannula that removes excess fat, creating a more desirable shape.
The procedure has the following benefits:
- Very little downtime – you can leave the clinic shortly after the procedure
- Fast recovery time gets you back daily activities sooner
- Safe and effective
- Performed under local anesthesia
- Only small incisions are required so you’re left with only minimal scarring
- Long-lasting results
- An excellent way to tone and reshape the body

Am I a good candidate for love handle lipo?
Our team will use your personal consultation to assess your situation and goals; determining if this option is the best for you. If not, we may suggest an alternative body contouring treatment.
Generally, those best suited are:
- Unhappy with the size or shape of their love handle region
- Targeting fat that has so far been unchanged by a proper diet and exercise regime
- Free from any health conditions that could create surgical complications
- Ready for realistic expectations from their treatment
What are the risks of love handle liposuction?
Love handle lipo is considered a low-risk procedure. The most significant risk comes from the removal of too much fat from the body. However, this is very rare, especially if the treatment is carried out by an appropriately qualified health practitioner, as it is at Lumière.
All surgical procedures come with some potential (but rare) risks or side effects and when it comes to love handle lipo these may include:
- Contour irregularities (if there is poor skin elasticity)
- Unusual wound healing/scarring
- Temporary numbness
- Infections
- Allergic reaction to medications or materials used during the procedure
- Bruising
- Inflammation
- Skin burns due to the cannula movement
The risks listed above are extremely rare and have never occurred at our Sydney cosmetic clinic as a result of procedures performed by our expert team of surgeons.

The goal of this treatment is to bring a more seductive curve to the lower side section of your abdominals.
How much does love handle lipo cost in Sydney?
Prices for love handle lipo in Sydney start from $30/week per area (that will require treatment), but your total cost will be provided to you during your initial consultation. This will also be the perfect time for you to ask any questions you may have and to ensure you’re completely comfortable moving forward.
Why is Lumière Cosmetic Clinic Well Suited to Perform this Procedure?
When it comes to any love handle liposuction procedure in Sydney, the team at Lumière Cosmetic Clinic are experts. With a successful portfolio and experienced team that includes more than 15 years in cosmetic surgery, you’re in very safe hands:
- Only the safest and latest surgical technologies are used
- Thousands of lipo procedures were successfully performed
- A full support team by your side from consultation to recovery
- A new look and feel suited to your needs and desires
Take the first step by booking a free consultation at the clinic and start the process of regaining confidence in your appearance. Call us directly at our Sydney clinic during opening hours at 02 8964 2550, or email us at info@lumièrebeautyclinic.com.au.

An experienced cosmetic surgeon will be able to remove any small fat deposits and leave little to no visible scarring.
Frequently Asked Questions
If you have any more questions regarding any of our love handle liposuction procedures please don’t hesitate to contact us at our clinic. In the meantime please see our FAQs below that may also provide the information you’re looking for.
What is the expected recovery time?
Local anesthesia is all that is required so you will be able to leave the surgery within 30 minutes after your treatment. This will also allow you to return to a desk job within 2 to 3 days, with no more than slight swelling, inflammation, or minimal pain that will subside in a few days.
Will there be any scarring?
While this depends somewhat on the quality of your skin’s flexibility, this procedure only requires the use of very small cannulas and a minimal incision, meaning the scarring will be minor, if evident at all.
Is love handle lipo suitable for weight loss?
Love handle liposuction is not a method of weight loss. It is a process that will remove specific pockets of fat that are unresponsive to an active, healthy lifestyle. In fact, it’s often used after significant weight loss as a way to contour and tone specific areas.
Will I be awake during the procedure?
Yes, as the procedure is carried out using a local anaesthetic, you’ll be awake for the entire treatment. However, you won’t feel any pain or discomfort.
How long will the results last of love handle lipo?
The fat deposits removed through love handle liposuction are gone forever, so unless new fat cells are produced they will not reappear.
Is the treatment suitable for both men and women?
Yes, liposuction of the love handles is ideal and very common for both men and women.
Before proceeding with any surgical procedure, patients should seek a second opinion from qualified healthcare practitioners.
The information on the website is for general guidance only and cannot be used as a basis to make a surgical decision. An initial consultation with our surgeon is required to help patients make an informed decision before proceeding with any surgical procedure.
Shop 2, 389 Sussex St, Sydney, NSW, 2000
02 8964 2550
Trading Hours
Monday to Saturday 10am – 7pm
Sundays 11pm – 5pm